Being too Comfortable?
(A letter I wrote to a friend, 03/05/2004) I know the whole reason we are on this earth is to stretch these images of who we are. Like a big plastic girdle that jabs into our ribs and digs into our gut...and what you are saying is that I have adapted to the contraption. I don't shift it and pull at it like most people do right? But what if I just think discomfort is overrated ? Either I am selling myself short by saying that, or I have shifted my focus to what I can live with right now. I know, I know, just another way of being complacent! Redundancy! Ya know that song by Jewel that goes " Your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive"? Well that's not me, but some days I realize that I am sitting very close to that out of necessity. It is partially because of this warped sense of reality brought on by losing my Mom. Death is so final. Having my Mom in my life was like having an elaborate colorful cozy rug, fluffy and soft beneath my feet. Her death was like...