Grandma Milby
Thinking about you and collecting memories like fireflies and putting them in my heart instead of a jar to keep for always the memories of you famous for your biscuits and gravy breakfast establishing a " Milby tradition" before I was ever on the scene first time I had ever eaten it you had to explain what lard was and nothing compares since I can hear you laughing telling me "Christie, you're such a good sport Honey" when Charles drives me back from the snipe hunt or swinging on the porch with me A night at the cabin so black we can not see each other so I concentrate on your accent on your story-telling I can hear your voice in my head even now no one can say"Bless your heart" without me thinking of you I love how God put such a feisty spirit in such a faithful body I love the contrast of you I adopted you for my own Grandma blessed by you, long before I was officially family and you were so easy to love so encouraging and sweet to me I will miss ...