Grandma Milby
Thinking about you
and collecting memories
like fireflies
and putting them in my heart
instead of a jar
to keep for always
the memories of you
famous for your biscuits and gravy breakfast
establishing a "Milby tradition" before I was ever on the scene
first time I had ever eaten it
you had to explain what lard was
and nothing compares since
I can hear you laughing
telling me "Christie, you're such a good sport Honey"
when Charles drives me back from the snipe hunt
or swinging on the porch with me
A night at the cabin
so black we can not see each other
so I concentrate on your accent
on your story-telling
I can hear your voice in my head even now
no one can say"Bless your heart"
without me thinking of you
I love how God put such a feisty spirit
in such a faithful body
I love the contrast of you
I adopted you for my own Grandma
blessed by you, long before I was officially family
and you were so easy to love
so encouraging and sweet to me
I will miss having you here
I will miss seeing you look up
to your grand sons
and watching them tease you
and then give you hugs
and seeing you hold Grandpas hand
and loving your boys
witnessing your awesome love of God.
there are so many little things...
that will keep you alive in my memory
and like fireflies in a jar
your life will go on twinkling
and fascinating me.
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