This is how God works
I was feeling very uninspired and down. Like my flame of creativity was a mere ember...I reached out to a couple close girlfriends for prayer. I felt burnt out and like my patience wasnt there with so much reality and negativity. I prayed too. And then God answered my prayer! He had an old contact reach out to me to take on a new project, out of the blue! When I found out the scope of the project I feared I did not have the time to devote to it and so I was upfront and honest about wanting to be professionally responcible and not say YES and then not be able to deliver....but I was assured they would work with me. They wanted it to work with me. They wanted my creativity! It feels like winning the lotto (as I would imagine) have God answer prayer in a specific way that breathes life into your spirit again. To so specifically bring you an opportunity you did not know existed at the time....that wakes your creativity and restores you.... And so now I need the right people t...