
Showing posts from October, 2010

Tag Team

how divine the timing that you are UP when I am DOWN and when you are DOWN then I am UP God's perfect timing so we can lift each other, chin up! we remind the other of our identity and slap us out of it in love to walk us through it in the word and always speak the truth in love because true friendship isn't saying the easy things but the things that will challenge us to stay connected to God because we know that only when we walk with Him can true friendship stay ~C

your eyes

the windows to your soul do darken every time you speak of her as if you are somehow overtaken by something other than God and like gray clouds passing over the moon there is warning there that needs heeding my prayer for forgiveness that renews your heart cheerful curtains of light blowing in the breeze dressing up your windows with love ~C

love is love hate is hate

When you love someone you are loving yourself then couldn't it be said that when you hate someone you are hating yourself? for the self loathing you feel is conveyed in your mean language your demeanor that lashes out and the hurt you inflict is not of God you are choosing not to acknowledge Him within you overriding what He would have you do because you are so consumed with YOU Love is love and hate is hate which do you choose for yourself? how powerful, to really love and gift yourself pay it forward with word and deed and consciously choose to be good to you and deny the flesh that says "hate!" ~C


never meant to be collectors of personal information to use against and to judge never meant to compare or measure against to covet after never meant to hurt or hinder but to lift up and encourage to cheer on to cry with to carry in your heart inside your very chest to love as yourself to love as yourself to love as yourself be good to you ~C

Tennis Pro

Like any sport the more you practice the better you get at it and spiritually too I think we can exercise our relationship with God so we hear from him more so we can move faster and act on what He gives us quicker God tells us to hold each thought captive and at first it feels like a thousand tennis balls flying at us trying to sort out our thoughts trying to catch one or "return" one but the more we try the easier it becomes and then we think WOW that thought sure wasn't of God and we pray for protection over our minds we pray protection from the enemy who would love to convince us that we are weak and stupid and worthless and we remind that guy who our Daddy is we remind him that that same power lives within us! and then another thought comes and another but it becomes easier and we have to pray for protection less we have more Godly thoughts and less enemy thoughts we are training our mind we are spiritually AWARE now and it becomes easier and easier more and more eff...

Your Attic

you just packed up another box another? really? it is not going to fit up there there is too much up there already too many boxes you've avoided forever crammed into a space that won't hold anymore so guess you are going to have to deal guess you are going to have to face all those hard things you've been putting off guess you are going to have to do the work to sort through, and dust off it is hard to look it all in the eye all those hardships and mistakes all those hurts and pains all that rejection and loss but what is awesome is that you are not in it alone what is awesome, is that God wants to go through it with you and He will go at your pace and He will help you see it through and He knows it will not be easy and that some of it will cripple you in the moment but you'll get through and you'll be so much better off for shining light into your attic and going through the boxes you've made to store your wounds sorting, so you can keep the valuable lessons le...

Atom Bomb

We were meant to love from the inside out God says love they neighbor as thy self to do that, we have to be able to love ourselves and frankly most of us do not. :( but if we could... If we could truly live out of our identity in Christ... it would look like an atom bomb imploding from within and sending a shockwave out If we let God fill our cup and our cup is overflowing first then when we leave the house and mingle with the world we aren't needy we aren't searching or distracted we aren't taking & hoarding anything or consumed with our insecurities or distracted by our shortcomings.... instead we are focused on what God wants us to be focused on we can really GIVE we can really receive we can really reach out and be His hands and His feet the shock wave is way more effective because we are no longer in the way of God's greatness and there is nothing to hold back the amazing love He has to give THROUGH us. ~C


When we are good to other people we are being good to ourselves we are ensuring that the ripple effect that begins with us will go out with love we underestimate how we effect each other how what you choose to do or what we do not choose to do is not only about us If we stay in a place that keeps us from making ripples (the RIGHT kind of ripples in this world) then we will never benefit from the amazing results that come when we step out and then we step up and we give of ourselves and love on others and then truly feel the effects of how we were designed to be IN RELATIONSHIP reaching out a hand to help someone up hugging them through their loss encouraging them with God's word or just listening and praying for them we were meant to play not sit on the sidelines and we were meant to believe so that we can be empowered through our identity in Christ to do awesome things in the short time we grace this earth Do not doubt your worth think about the movie "It's a wonderful li...