When we are good to other people
we are being good to ourselves
we are ensuring that the ripple effect
that begins with us
will go out with love
we underestimate
how we effect each other
how what you choose to do
or what we do not choose to do
is not only about us
If we stay in a place
that keeps us from making ripples
(the RIGHT kind of ripples in this world)
then we will never benefit
from the amazing results
that come when we step out
and then we step up
and we give of ourselves
and love on others
and then truly feel the effects
of how we were designed to be
reaching out a hand to help someone up
hugging them through their loss
encouraging them with God's word
or just listening and praying for them
we were meant to play
not sit on the sidelines
and we were meant to believe
so that we can be empowered
through our identity in Christ
to do awesome things in the short time
we grace this earth
Do not doubt your worth
think about the movie "It's a wonderful life"
We are intricately entwined with others
in a way that we could never fully comprehend
unless, like that movie,
we could take ourselves out of it
and see what our absence would mean
I think we should use our gifts for good
and pay it forward as often as we can
the gift will boomerang and bless us too
and if we only have today....
then those interactions,
however brief
make life worthwhile
and give love meaning.
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