Atom Bomb
We were meant to love from the inside out
God says love they neighbor as thy self
to do that, we have to be able to love ourselves
and frankly most of us do not. :(
but if we could...
If we could truly live out of our identity in Christ...
it would look like an atom bomb
imploding from within
and sending a shockwave out
If we let God fill our cup
and our cup is overflowing first
then when we leave the house
and mingle with the world
we aren't needy
we aren't searching or distracted
we aren't taking & hoarding anything
or consumed with our insecurities
or distracted by our shortcomings....
we are focused on what God wants us to be focused on
we can really GIVE
we can really receive
we can really reach out
and be His hands and His feet
the shock wave is way more effective
because we are no longer in the way
of God's greatness
and there is nothing to hold back
the amazing love He has to give
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