This is how He does it

I am in Chamberlin Book Mine
Rows and rows of books to the ceiling
a "candy" store for those who love to read
Oh and I do
and Hayden and Sky are running down the isles
and then resisting the urge to keep running
once I have asked them to please walk
and then Hayden runs down a short isle anyway
an isle that ends with a wall
and he likes to do this lately
slam into the wall all dramatically
only this time when he does,
he knocks over a pile of magazines
stacked close to the floor
on a bottom shelf
and like a lot of messes he makes
it seems to demand more energy to clean it up than it did to make
so I walk down the isle and tell him I will help him
and as I am helping him re stack the magazines
I glance to my left
and lying there on the bottom shelf on top of one other book
is a book called "The hidden Life"
I pick it up and read the back cover
intrigued, I flip to the middle and read a passage
{this is how I test a book...flip to the middle and start reading the style of the writer
it is how I know I will like it}
and I like this one instantly
it is saying things I know but in a way that has me nodding my head
things my heart may know, but my mind needed to hear
and it is a personal story
of a woman who has deep depression and then finds God's peace
and I love personal redemptive stories
(and this one claims to be brutally honest & candid)
I love to hear what someone learned in this life
I love to hear what forced them to grow
I love to hear how God took the hurt in their lives and worked it into good
personal testimony is riveting
but you have to value the human spirit
you have to value people and see them through God's eyes
you have to realize how profound one personal story can be
how each of us to God, is a celebrity
tracked & documented & important

by now I know we all have a story to tell
if you've lived long enough
and even if you haven't
you have a perspective that no one else has
effected by a string of events that compares to no one else's
and even if your walk is similar
you will process it in your own way
and choose the path that only you could chose
for reasons that feel right to only you at the time

It is so exciting to me
to hear these stories
to hear what people say
to see in words how they picture their lives
and know what they grabbed from their experiences
and what they have discarded
and what they are wrestling, questioning
and what has meant the most to them

there is no greater,
more personal quest
then to listen to another human being
to let them share
to honor their transparency
to celebrate their individuality
to learn from their mistakes
to marvel
at their journey

we all have a story.....
what's yours?
I'd love to listen. :)


and P.S. The whole point I was trying to make is that Hayden making a mess at the end
of an isle led me to find the next book I will read. If you allow yourself to become too
annoyed by anything seemingly inconvenient to you, you may be too distracted to
participate in the adventure God has for you. He connects the dots, we just have to
keep our eyes open to see them, to find them. This is how He does it.
This is how it works.

My kid + a mess + awareness = a new read

Remember there are no happen chance. It's all God showing us the way.
All we have to do is look, listen & leap!


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