stop turn ask
You boil down my life and like chicken soup in the making the fat rises to the top and I scoop it off because it is obvious with You what needs to go and it is healthier to get rid of it right away as son as I see it how I wish life was really this obvious but it is to You you see and know things I could never know and You go before me one or two steps before me constantly making a way even if I do not acknowledge you even if I cannot see Your work until later how You made it all come together for my good, for my best no matter if I could tell that WHEN I went through that
sometimes thing become the most clear the farther we get away from them we gain perspective we couldn't have had when it was right under our nose we are too close and you ask us to step back but we just think you are trying to tell us what to do we forget You are all knowing that you designed the world and then designed us we forget to default to your wisdom because we gained our "independence" long a...