Where is this place?
this middle place
this in between place
I find myself in again
This unknown pause
like win lose or draw
I am guessing the clues
for an answer I don't know yet
Scrambling together
all that has happened so far
thinking that will help me
get my bearings
But I don't know
and maybe it shouldn't matter
the technicalities...
I know I was designed
to take one step at a time
I know not to judge my life
on status or by my age
I know not to compare myself
to others or by what's all the rage
So when I am sweeping the floor
and feeling still 16
I don't have to worry that God won't meet me here
I don't have to be in a hurry
to get anywhere
I can just breathe
I can just remember who I am
who I belong to
and who I know
who has my heart in His own.
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