Ask Yourself
some people think my blog is literal
that what I am writing is what is happening
but I draw from everything
from everyone
and sometimes I go back & revisit a time
and how I felt THEN
and sometimes I try to imagine what someone else might be feeling
based on what THEY are going through
I put their situation on
like I am putting on a coat
and it might as well be made of wool
because I can feel how uncomfortable it is
I can feel that it is too tight and constricting
I can see how they would want to take it off as soon as possible...
Since I was pretty young
I realized the concept of working on yourself
of striving to be the best ME
of looking into you and seeing what was going on
good and bad
helpful and hindering
I thought everyone had this awareness
that they were seeing that they were bitter about that
and maybe they should forgive and learn to let go
or that they were awesome at one thing
but that another had a hold over them
that they could see it, but maybe they just were choosing not to go there
but as time went on
I saw that some people couldn't even see their own struggles
or that they were so buried within them,
that they manifested thyself as something else
so self loathing or nonacceptance looks like anger
or feeling trapped looks like depression
sometimes it is a physical manifestation
where our unhappiness only shows on the outside
but to talk to us we seem ok
People are Rubik cubes I tell ya
they are infinitely complex
it is why when we do click with someone on an emotional level
it is so exciting
I am so complex but this person gets me
even people that do not seem complex, are complex
if you have lived long enough, you have a story
and that story is filled with all these choices you've made
but then it is filled with choices of all these other people that effected you
even strangers choices
choices by people you let into the deepest parts of your heart
and maybe the choices those people made, left deep scars....
Some people don't go and look within themselves because they are scared to
they are scared of what they would find
or maybe they already know what they will find so they spend time
making large signs and posting them warning them to KEEP OUT
they spend their time making signs so they can remind themselves why
why going there is not a good idea
better to avoid it at all costs, to go there is an end of their false reality
and they feel the only way to exist is to make that false life their only life
Life has a weird way of making us go there eventually though
as much as we fight it
it finds a way to seek us out
stand right in our path
and look us straight in the eyes
If truth is meant to set us free
why do we not run after the truth
why do we not beg the truth to smash the chains we drag around
why do we not face our truth and then begin our story there?
Instead it is messy and awkward
it is filled with trips and falls
it is 3 steps forward two steps back
a dance that seems to take forever and tires us
but we still learn
it is just so much slower a process
and sometimes we think we have it all together
we think we have it all figured out
we have the talk to back it up
we can point at the things we have and the people we know and say see
see I have it all figured out
and yet people know we don't
they see right through all that stuff
there seems to be this balance
and if you know you haven't got it all figured out
but your open to learning
then you are in a good place
it would help too if you were willing to look in
ask yourself the hard questions that need to be asked
and the trick is
only you know what they are....
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