
Showing posts from January, 2012

False Advertising

The world Full of it and even so It will be sold and even then you will choose to resale THAT recycled lies that manipulate and blind bought and sold stolen from and closed down, down down it goes the spiral of habit of indulgence disguised as distinguished and obsession mistaken for control we call these things good and they trick us even more keep up with the Jonses and you all fall down You were meant to take your lead from the man with the crown. ~C

God is the Beach

God is the beach washed up treasures for you to discover each day each day new treasures His blessings never ending so don't walk the streets of the city and shout your echoed cries into the buildings declaring He gives you nothing He needs you to meet Him at the beach to seek and find Him the sand is His mercy The waves are His word the shells His offering His promises in the sunsetting over the water Every color a love letter Each day a new scene different waves different shells different people different weather but always there never stopping all of it a gift for you an endless timeless gift for you open to everyone Meet Him...Find Him He is there. ~C

God's Best

Feeling forgotten... when there are so many signs to point to how significant you are Seeing red... when the very thing you find offensive comes from not letting go of what is festering Waiting and waiting... when the moment is now to live,to love,to reach out & find your whole life is what was waiting to unfold Grumbling & complaining... when there is so much to be thankful for Worrying... when there is no point because it only steals from you Debating in your mind... when the truth is you have very little control Striving... when really you are perfect now, just the way you are, even doing nothing Hiding... when there is nothing more freeing than putting your cards on the table Running... when all God wants is for you to stop and take His hand and walk and talk with Him So you can begin.... Seeing Forgiving Encouraging Having compassion Comforting Giving Loving Being Living ~C

Finding Balance

I was in a funk the other day It didn't feel like I wanted to cry but like my body did. Like I had this heavy damp coat on that I couldn't shrug off. There is insight to this too, because it was a clue to tell me my issue was literally WITH my body, and I think that is why my mind was having trouble discerning what was wrong. I laid in bed in the dark and asked God to reveal what was going on.  and then it came to me....An old wound with strings coming out of it, attached to different aspects of my life concerning the same issue. Working out-connected to a feeling of conditional love-connected to a subconscious stubbornness-connected to a false feeling of control-That makes me a stubborn mule with my hooves dug into the ground. "I am not budging....the more you want it, the more I am not going there. " is what I might as well have said. A subconscious link to acceptance-tied to rejection-tied to body weight, or image.... If love is not unconditional, it...

Include Him

The Holy Spirit is awesome. and hey why is it THE Holy Spirit? It is not THE Jesus or THE God.... Hmmmm. Anyway, I love how the Holy Spirit is right there waiting for you to acknowledge Him. He is just hanging out, because most of the time you make Him a passenger to your life, but really He is thinking, "Man would I love to have an adventure with her, If she would just acknowledge me, or include me in her decisions...." When you start to the feeling of connectedness is amazing. This whisper of a thought will give you direction, sometimes direction that seems trivial in the moment, like which errand to run first....but then when you run into an old friend and marvel at the extremely rare chance that you would have chosen to leave the house the time you did, got through traffic with no mishaps, not make any detours that would have swerved you off of that path.... It is like He is confirming, PROVING to you, He is in that, that there is no coincidence. It gets even be...

Like You

Like You. Can you? What if your life depended on it? (I am being dramatic to make a point) What if your mental life did? See, I have this theory, that connects to the second most important scripture "To love thy neighbor as thy self" How can we love someone else and not first love ourselves and you are thinking Oh, it is MUCH easier.... If I focus on others I do not have to even look at myself, maybe that is more comfortable for you... but you are wrong Everything we convey to others comes from a place within ourselves. Distain and contempt are like mirrors hanging from your ears because they reflect the contempt or distain you hold against yourself and if you cannot truly love yourself, the way God loves you then you hold people at a distance in a mental way there is some part of you that they may never touch even you may not know this place because you have forbidden yourself from going there but in NOT going there you create this superficial-looking relatio...

No and No

I can't I can't , I can't I mustn't mustn't I shunt I creep I crawl I plan my withdraw It can't It mustn't I won't ~C