Like You

Like You.
Can you?
What if your life depended on it? (I am being dramatic to make a point)
What if your mental life did?
See, I have this theory, that connects to the second most important scripture
"To love thy neighbor as thy self"
How can we love someone else and not first love ourselves
and you are thinking Oh, it is MUCH easier....
If I focus on others I do not have to even look at myself, maybe that is more comfortable for you...
but you are wrong
Everything we convey to others comes from a place within ourselves.
Distain and contempt are like mirrors hanging from your ears because they reflect the contempt or distain you hold against yourself
and if you cannot truly love yourself, the way God loves you
then you hold people at a distance in a mental way
there is some part of you that they may never touch
even you may not know this place because you have forbidden yourself from going there
but in NOT going there you create this superficial-looking relationship
built upon what you can control and manage
to risk, to be vulnerable, to spill your guts and be real....
this is what makes relationship great
God said to bear each others burdens
Treat each other how we would like to be treated....
and how to do you treat YOURSELF?
It is a good question
I am wondering if you are your own best friend
If I was stressed I would get a massage for me
If I was needing to relax I would draw a bath for me
If I needed some alone time with God I would make a date to walk the beach
You should know you
and be good to you

If you know yourself
If you do the work it takes to look in and let go
you will feel a burden lifted
you will seise from hiding
and the moment you step out and face who you are
and choose to love you, flaws and all
is the moment you can truly love
and give all of you
and in turn gain a true friend
in yourself,
with another.



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