We are all flawed we will never achieve perfection say it with me "I will never achieve perfection" doesn't that kind of take a load off? (exhale deeply) I think we all are subconsciously striving for that hard on ourselves picking at ourselves IF ONLY we say If I just had this or didn't have that physically, materially, mentally, spiritually.... and we do it with other people too If I could combine her compassion with that other girls sense of style and yet another girls awesome looks she would be the perfect girlfriend.... but here is the thing we are all flawed for a reason! every one of us! So we need to stop daydreaming of creation we were created to be exactly who we are the way we are can we just try to relax in that? Just accept ourselves Just BE? Why is it so hard? God designed you for a distinct purpose you are the hand maybe I am the foot yet another person is the elbow or maybe we are each just one of the nerve endings! our purpose is very specific and we ...