free write

We are all flawed
we will never achieve perfection
say it with me
"I will never achieve perfection"
doesn't that kind of take a load off?
(exhale deeply)

I think we all are subconsciously striving for that
hard on ourselves
picking at ourselves
IF ONLY we say
If I just had this or didn't have that
physically, materially, mentally, spiritually....

and we do it with other people too
If I could combine her compassion
with that other girls sense of style
and yet another girls awesome looks
she would be the perfect girlfriend....

but here is the thing
we are all flawed for a reason!
every one of us!
So we need to stop daydreaming of creation
we were created to be exactly who we are
the way we are
can we just try to relax in that?
Just accept ourselves
Just BE?

Why is it so hard?
God designed you for a distinct purpose
you are the hand maybe
I am the foot
yet another person is the elbow
or maybe we are each just one of the nerve endings!
our purpose is very specific
and we need each other too
we rely on each other
even if we never acknowledge each other
so to hurt someone
really is-to hurt our own selves

we don't really get that yet...
because lets face it
there are certain people that go against our grain
and it is so hard to understand their purpose
in the scheme of things
but I promise you
if YOU understood everything
there would be no use for God

We will never figure it out
and attempting to is OK if you just find it entertaining
but the moment you cross that line
the moment you think "I can do this on my own"
you hurt yourself
you isolate yourself
you shut off the water
and all your infinite resources
are out of reach

God wants to give you everything
acknowledging His power in your life
having a thankful heart
and realizing your life is a GIFT
THAT is where the real power lies

The power is in the freedom
in the letting go
in the surrender
in the trust
in the love
in the compassion
in the giving
in the moment where you stop striving!
where you give up control!

I know you feel vulnerable
I know you want to play a part
but do you want to play the part you made up for yourself
or the part God designed for you before the beginning of time?
The part he intricately planned out for your ultimate success
and to the most benefit of the lives you touch?

The beauty of all of this is that we will find our own way
in our own time
God is running after us always
and not in a harassing way
God isn't a stalker,
He will never leave you in a way you never want Him to
In the way you never wanted your husband to leave
or your family member in death
or in the way anyone leaves before you wanted them to

You have all the time that you have
to find what you need to find
and I have confidence
that you will only do what you are doing
until it does not work

The awesome thing about God is
once you find Him
you know He works
(He will show you)
so you might have to shift things around within the idea of Him
but you won't ever again have to start from scratch
you won't have to revamp your approach to life
over and over again

let go of bitterness
let go of hatred
let go of unforgiving my friend
all these things do is keep you from true freedom
they are chains that weigh too much
that weigh you down
and you CHOOSE to carry them don't you see?

Open your eyes
Open and in awareness SEE
Our free will tends to run our lives
because we think IT is our freedom
but it is a mirage
all free will will lead to
is empty choice and personal fulfillment
that leaves us aching in thirst

The real thing can only exist
when we make God our Best Friend
accept Him
and know
that He was supposed to be the one

the One we are supposed to seek acceptance from
because He will never reject us
and the One we seek significance from
because we are eternally precious to Him
and the One we seek security from
because He will be with us always

and it is only with Him that we will feel purposed
and productive
truly alive

stay there
go deep
and discover
by asking Him
what you were really meant for!



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