forgive me forgive me forgive me for being a bumbling human the kind who doesn't know how to express her heart or say goodbye without screwing it up how do you stand before a beautiful wall and take a hammer to it? Tear down something you helped to build something you love...? Loving comes easily to me it is when it unravels that I don't know what to do I am more concerned with staying calm than with taking a stand or telling someone they crossed a line for me my nature to step back rather than put my hand up Sassy to me always translated as bitchy and I knew it wasn't what I wanted to be but to be assertive and up front....I know it would help but I don't know if I have it in me & that will cost me In these times where I louse it up where I let go, one ribbon at a time, in my head but I don't tell you that until the end and I run because looking you in the eyes would rip my guts out I'd look at you with frozen lips and conc...