
Showing posts from March, 2010

Steal Kill Destroy

There is no cool side to hell the devil will lure you away from anything of God to a picture of "freedom", of temptation and then he will use that same picture to torment you he is not loyal and he will not make you an honorary member of anything he wants you dead frustrated lost floundering in your own doubts and confusion he just wants to isolate you and constantly turns the tables to twist and use anything and everything against you it is his only goal to steal from you, kill the love and relationship you have, and destroy you one piece at a time so think twice before you step ponder and consider who is presenting a new picture to you and if it looks like a paradise but feels like a trap focus on the trapped feeling and pray that God opens your eyes to the mirage we say we don't want to live lost, or live a life short lived and exciting just for one moment but then we grab the drugs or drown ourselves in alcohol we run away with the one who will satisfy us sexually it...

Don't miss it

Hold your breath and you'll miss it the goodness in old-fashioned breathing plug your ears and you'll miss it the sound of a symphony played only for you wring your hands and you'll miss it the way your fingers feel entangled in mine cover your mouth and you'll miss it the joy in a smile that comes after a kiss stay locked inside and you'll miss it the blue blue skies and the sun to warm you hold yourself back and you'll miss it the love that is waiting to meet you half way risk stepping out and you'll find it you'll entwine yourself in the world so you can really help meet it. step out. begin. ~C

Oh to do what I love!

There is an old saying that "If you do what you love, you will never "work" a day in your life!" It is so true!! Designing is in my bones! It radiates from me effortlessly! It is like having the time of your life and then someone hands you a check for enjoying the fun! How awesome is that? So God grow me in this... take the dream bigger and wider Lord Take the dream taller and higher God Grow in me these gifts you have planted if I am a tree with these gifts, then give me blooms give me fruit too! I want to run with it to have so much more of what you have for me in this! and I thank you... for planting in me something so rewarding, so giving so significant to my life, something that I am good at and in tune with something I love, and love doing! ~C

Oh just walk in it!

take His hand throw your head back and laugh with your whole heart in the realization that He's got you and step out you walk on water now you walk on air light shoots from your fingertips typing out l ove through prayer and you glow as you convey a love supernatural a love in much greater portion then you could ever conjure up on your own and they will see it they will know Him in you and all you do is walk in it all you do is take His hand ~C

Redefining Love

Ahhhh the ever elusive Love the harder I try to snag you the more you run to hide from me and the kind of love that is readily available is so sexual and empty and fleeting a means to an end for them it makes a heart weary and sad it shows me I was never capable of a fling or a one night stand only when your heart is entangled only when you are connected understood and reached for not just reaching toward does it work and then and only then is it really love the true meaning found when we really give love to really receive love ~C

Flesh vs. Spirit

There are two ways to approach the world One way is out of your flesh and the other is out of your spirit I am getting better at knowing in which I am functioning it is like the difference between something that is two dimensional and something that is three dimensional it is either in black & white or in bright vivid colors In the spiritual there is a crispness to everything an in-tune feeling that let's you know you are on the right track and in the flesh there is a dullness, a lack that mocks you in between breaths the sad thing is that the scales are always moving up and down always trying to level out or weight us on the wrong side constant struggle is necessary for constant growth and even when we realize this, it is not comforting but only makes the groaning bearable while we wade through what we have to Thank God for His portion and His strength that I do not have to walk through the labyrinth without Him that He will carry me if it ever becomes too much and I collaps...

how are you?

"fine." no, how are you REALLY? it's one thing if you don't want to tell me it's yet another if you don't even really know, but don't lie and don't be vague. I asked because I care because I really want to know to me it is not just something to say so let's have at it again... how are you? (I am patiently waiting, listening for your answer now) (take your time with the truth) ~C

the lie and The Truth

Alone is where he tries to get me, to keep me isolation, better yet, rejection lie after lie that leads to desolation and if he can convince you to embrace them convince you that there is nothing left to reach for or strive for, nothing more to fly towards if he can convince you that you are all alone in living, in waking, in dreaming, in dying he's got you then in a box under the bed where only he takes you out to torment you before he puts you back again the more aware you can become the more aware you will be of his goals, his game and the more spiritually aware you are the more in tune you will be when feeling "off" If he can get you to DOUBT and FEAR and WORRY and LOSE ALL HOPE then he has won. Don't ever let him win! Don't ever abandon your faith don't you ever ever lose hope... recognize the smoke and mirrors for what they really are and speak LIFE and TRUTH into your life, your very existence and practice until you know that you know that you KNOW who ...

Speaking Life

It is so awesome whenever I tap right into God and I can almost hear him breathing. When he proves to me that he is very much alive inside my spirit I burst with joy and that knowing totally fulfills and motivates me to draw closer. I went to a meeting recently where Bill Johnson was teaching us all to tap into the knowledge and power of ask God for an encouraging and uplifting word or picture for someone. They threw us into practicing this so we didn't have enough time to get nervous or think too far into it. God effortlessly gave me words for some and was silent with others. I only spoke when I felt something clearly come into my mind. It was so exciting! I looked at one woman and I got education, or furthering her knowledge somehow, I wasn't sure if that meant anything to her but at the end she tapped me on the shoulder and said that she was going back to school! I got "The Holy Spirit chills"all over my arms. Recently God clarified for me if I get chills...

Love tug of war

You are part of my DNA Loving you a code I know without bringing attention to it something I cannot divert from though I try and try again makes sense amidst chaos grieves my heart but gives to it wrecks me with imaginings torments me in absence but each time I see your face the sun shines down the clouds part and all becomes clear if only I could shake it if only I knew how to break away The simplicity of the love that exists won't let me ~C