Steal Kill Destroy
There is no cool side to hell the devil will lure you away from anything of God to a picture of "freedom", of temptation and then he will use that same picture to torment you he is not loyal and he will not make you an honorary member of anything he wants you dead frustrated lost floundering in your own doubts and confusion he just wants to isolate you and constantly turns the tables to twist and use anything and everything against you it is his only goal to steal from you, kill the love and relationship you have, and destroy you one piece at a time so think twice before you step ponder and consider who is presenting a new picture to you and if it looks like a paradise but feels like a trap focus on the trapped feeling and pray that God opens your eyes to the mirage we say we don't want to live lost, or live a life short lived and exciting just for one moment but then we grab the drugs or drown ourselves in alcohol we run away with the one who will satisfy us sexually it...