Steal Kill Destroy
There is no cool side to hell
the devil will lure you away from anything of God
to a picture of "freedom", of temptation
and then he will use that same picture to torment you
he is not loyal
and he will not make you an honorary member of anything
he wants you dead
floundering in your own doubts and confusion
he just wants to isolate you
and constantly turns the tables to twist and use anything and everything against you
it is his only goal
to steal from you, kill the love and relationship you have,
and destroy you one piece at a time
so think twice before you step
ponder and consider who is presenting a new picture to you
and if it looks like a paradise but feels like a trap
focus on the trapped feeling and pray that God opens your eyes to the mirage
we say we don't want to live lost, or live a life short lived and exciting just for one moment
but then we grab the drugs or drown ourselves in alcohol
we run away with the one who will satisfy us sexually
it is just a constant stream of highs that will never fulfill us
we will claw at the next quick chance until they arrive quicker each time,
they will rush up to meet us, and satisfy us less and less...
we will move farther and farther away from reality, farther away from God's best for us
because hell is delusional and comfortable
for a moment
and we "NEED" that moment we tell ourselves...
he will whisper that, in your mind (as you)
he will keep you beaten down until you believe that is all you deserve
he will do whatever he can to tempt you
examine you from all sides until he knows your deepest wounds
your greatest weaknesses
your every flaw
and then he will exploit you
he will drag you around and manipulate you and use you for the demise of the world
and you will willingly participate because he dresses in plain clothes
because he works on your mind first and convinces you it is YOUR issues,
your problems, your weaknesses and your lack that has brought you there
you think it is blame yourself....the perfect set he dances around you
afflicting and tempting and crippling you by using your own mind against you
he will use guilt and shame and horror to shackle you to a false reality that will outweigh
always outweigh
if you let it...
and there in lies the great choice of life
the great decision
one simple choice to fight for yourself
to follow after God
and what is crazy is that you will constantly be making this choice
almost every second of every day
and it may seem daunting and exhausting at first but it gets easier
like any choice you make consistently
over and over again
it becomes automatic
until you can walk in it
and walk in it more and more
and one by one you snip those ties
you snip snip snip
until one day you open your eyes and see the world for what it is
you can look into the face of someone who is insulting you
and recognize who is taunting you and using them
who is lying and cheating and who is twisting things to suit him
who is using that persons wounds and weaknesses to dig into your wounds and weaknesses
the devil is alive and well in those who choose to walk with him
get off the path that leads to lying, stealing, and destroying
it will never lead to a cool side of hell
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