the lie and The Truth

is where he tries to get me, to keep me
isolation, better yet, rejection
lie after lie
that leads to desolation
and if he can convince you to embrace them
convince you that there is nothing left to reach for
or strive for, nothing more to fly towards
if he can convince you that
you are all alone
in living, in waking, in dreaming, in dying
he's got you then
in a box under the bed
where only he takes you out to torment you
before he puts you back again

the more aware you can become
the more aware you will be of his goals, his game
and the more spiritually aware you are
the more in tune you will be when feeling "off"
If he can get you to DOUBT
and FEAR
then he has won.

Don't ever let him win!
Don't ever abandon your faith
don't you ever ever lose hope...
recognize the smoke and mirrors for what they really are
and speak LIFE and TRUTH into your life, your very existence
and practice
until you know that you know that you KNOW
who you are in Christ Jesus
He in you
and you in HIM
LOVE conquers all
LOVE wins!



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