We have to get to the GUTS of it
to be able to love
The roots are where the answer is
& you better hope it is a rock
you are building on
For how can we love another
until we first know how to love ourselves?
and how do we do that?
How do we know which way to go
if we do not default to the map?
What greater guide than Jesus Christ?
He built the land
and then gave you the tools to navigate it
He said the way isn't easy
but the GLORY of the journey is great
& the decision to go will be worth it
He is in it with you
for the long haul
In fact, He knows you have Him in you
so your success is guaranteed
You were designed to do great things
seeking after the heart of God
purposed for a cause
that you cannot even imagine the capacity of
you just have to be willing
and HE will be able
to be able to love
The roots are where the answer is
& you better hope it is a rock
you are building on
For how can we love another
until we first know how to love ourselves?
and how do we do that?
How do we know which way to go
if we do not default to the map?
What greater guide than Jesus Christ?
He built the land
and then gave you the tools to navigate it
He said the way isn't easy
but the GLORY of the journey is great
& the decision to go will be worth it
He is in it with you
for the long haul
In fact, He knows you have Him in you
so your success is guaranteed
You were designed to do great things
seeking after the heart of God
purposed for a cause
that you cannot even imagine the capacity of
you just have to be willing
and HE will be able
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