Horizon of Hope

Hope rests on the horizon
and its influence, its volume,
is determined by the light
or the lack of light

When the horizon is lit by the morning
I feel the spark in my heart
and at dusk, when it is slowly distinguished
It feels like oxygen is lacking
I feel restricted, discouraged

High noon over the horizon has me beaming
and the depths of night make me wring my hands
some days creep slowly, lasting for weeks
some nights discourage me for a month

Highly aware of hope
I can easily see what the horizon holds for me
and even if blindfolded, I feel it
this is the ebb and flow of doubt
this is the rise and fall of expectation
each day different, with different light

A storm maybe...
or a drought...

Please God just give me a spark of hope
constant on the horizon of my heart
so that my light will never go out



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