seek it

Like heavy vines in a jungle
you push through them
to find hope
thick and black they choke out light
the light that will help you find it
you trudge through mud for miles and miles
until your feet are blistered and sore
and then you step out of your boots
onto a big clean rock under a waterfall of water
and you set your sore feet upon it
and that rock is hope

We always have to go through it
to get to it
we have to seek it
we have to not give up
you know it is there in your heart
but sometimes your eyes can not define it
cannot make it out through the fog
or the black of night

Hope is the thing unseen
that sings
that draws us in from far off
that keeps a light burning
at the end of the longest tunnel
and it will not go out
so do not give up on it
do not doubt that it is waiting
for you to find it



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