Forgive and Forget

The most powerful person you can forgive is yourself
how do you put away something that was a snapshot in your own mind?
I am insanely visual and I don't think you can
it is a matter of facing it
then screaming at it if you need to
then punching it in the gut
but then making peace with it
looking it straight in the eyes and saying
"I forgive you."

I would imagine it is easy for God to forget once you ask
and throw it into the bottom of the deep blue sea
He has so much to manage he probably welcomes forgetting
probably has such a raging multitasking mind, that He is on in an instant
to more pressing issues, like all the good you've been doing
but you and me...
well that is a different story
we only have to manage us
one mind
one set of choices and triumphs and screw-ups
so everything is magnified
so forgetting is harder than forgiving
but I have found that once you forgive someone
then when you do remember the instance
you remember it in a detached way
seeing it only for what it was
and deflating it of most of the emotion and torment
like removing the stinger from a bee
the offense just buzzes at you
annoying but not stinging
remembered but not dismantling you

so in all honesty it may take a lobotomy to really forget
if you ask me,
and you did (hee hee)
but what really matters is the forgiveness
forgiving will set you free
it is key
it will transform a caterpillar to a butterfly
turn a cold hard winter into spring



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