What are you waiting for exactly

perfect weather
or a good hair day
when you feel energized
or jazzercised
when you have your ducks in a row
maybe when it gets bad enough
dark enough
and you are facing a wall
when the sky is blue with cotton ball clouds
and the bills are all paid
and their are no weeds in your bed
when you get a raise
when you lose some weight
when you accomplish all you had
on every to do list you've ever made....

maybe then I will attempt to go in
maybe I will just know the time is right
maybe God will just tap me on the shoulder and then
I will go there
I will open that old worn out book
and I will see what is actually written down
an adventure I put off out of fear
a journey that only started with that first step
I am not willing to take

putting off what we could do today
and then
blinking and realizing
it has been a thousand tomorrows
and we cannot even recognize ourselves
a whole life coasted by
on automatic pilot
because that was way more comfy then facing our giants
our fears
then listening to that old record
that old voice that croaked
"you'll never be good enough,
or measure up
so why try? Just stick to what you are good at
and run from the rest
and dodge anything uncomfortable
it will go away on it's own."

so has it? Or has what you have avoided festered?
and why is God's perfect time
taking so forever long?



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