I want to add
I want to add (+) not take away (-)
God is a lover of addition
and satan loves subtraction
if you are still and you listen
you will be able to know who is in your head
at any given time
because their language is the same as their mission
to build you up or tear you down
who is speaking to you now??
a voice that adds and focuses on what you DO HAVE
very grateful and thankful, focused on your blessings
your strengths, your awesome fulfillment and trust in someone greater than you
yeah, that's God
a voice that tears you down and distracts
says you are not measuring up
that you don't have what it takes
that maybe TOMORROW you might have something to offer
but definitely not today
that's the robbers voice
the one who wants to steal from you
take from you
destroy you
so tune in
know who is speaking
and if it isn't adding to your life
then refuse to let it take away from it
change the station
even listen to static for a moment if you have to to clear your mind
but then find God
find his voice
recognize his truth in your thought process
and let the blessings to your life be multiplied!
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