no perfect without God

There is no perfect woman for you
no perfect man for me

not without God

There is no perfect house either
a divine place to call home

not if God doesn't live there too

and there is no perfect job
where you never get bored and daydream over your coffee of something better

not unless you realize you really work for God

no perfect kids
no perfect friends
no perfect relatives

not without God

He makes everything work to good
we weren't meant to leave him out of it
He is the missing link you always feel
deep down
when you don't include him

His absence in your life is the void
that you will fill with anything
and distract yourself with everything
to avoid

but unless you include him
it lurks there
this empty gut feeling
that something is missing

and that feeling is needing to be fed
if you feed it
you forget for a second
but it will never go
not without God

this void that will go if we simply ask him

and then
staying connected
tuning in
always including the guy who created us
the One who created us all
will satisfy and fulfill us
for always



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