Quality not Quantity
God is all about Quality and so am I
my sister jokes that I am a food snob
because I like those really baby carrots
the ones that cost more
but I swear they are sweeter
and that I digest them better
can't I just like them?
But seriously no one likes stale crackers
my Dad will eat them because he doesn't want to waste them
but I bet you he is not loving them either
my point is would you rather eat 2 fresh crackers
or get a whole pack of stale ones?
If you have a whole pantry teeming with food
but most of it is out of date, or stale...you may have quantity
but you don't have quality
I want quality any day
it is why I can barely eat at McDonalds anymore
but my point is
that God wants to give us a life chock full of QUALITY experiences
but we usually go for the quantity
so we feel like we are not missing out on anything
so we fool ourselves into thinking we are really "living" life
we see his quality not for what it is
but as a lack of quantity
and that is all we can focus on
it is our own issues that keep us from God's best
we convince ourselves that we know better
and then we congratulate ourselves
on the fact that we MUST know better than God
quality, quality, quality
search your life for it
search your soul
has it got QUALITY stamped all over it??
God stamped you all over
the moment you accepted him into your life
and maybe all it takes is getting out the back light
to see all those stamps shining in neon in a dark room
because in the day you forget them
and in the daylight you so easily forget
that you are totally APPROVED!
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