Easters Hope

The night before Easter I was having a hard time
walking & crying
feeling sorry for myself
and knowing it wasn't exactly constructive
but couldn't help it anyway
I just feel like I do not belong anymore
being divorced is hard
and I know it doesn't have to be
that with an awesome perspective
and with hope and with faith
I can make a way where there feels like there isn't one....

but in the midst of feeling all of that
God brought my mind to Jesus
and what He was going through the night before Easter
How He must have felt it to be the hardest day of His life on earth
where He felt the massive amount of the sins of the world
where He was separated from God twice
(just that must have left Him feeling so incredibly alone...)
where He was hated and tortured and mocked
and had people spitting in his face...
that thought alone makes me want to cry
I think if I lived back then I would have risked my whole life
just to wipe off His face for Him

but you know what God was showing me by taking me there?
He made me realize that in the span of one day
Jesus suffered the greatest amount of pain
AND then rose from the dead in His greatest Glory!
Just a DAY apart!
There is such HOPE in that!

So I want you to hold on!

In those days where you just don't have any more energy
or you cannot seem to see any light at all
I want you to hold out hope
and keep looking for it
keep your eyes searching to find
because no matter how dark the night
God will come in the morning to shine on you
He will give you more
when you feel like there is no more
He will blossom from the inside out
and dispel all that fear and doubt
that comes with feeling down and out

Hold on
and have hope in tomorrow
He gives us enough for today to hold on
and then in the morning he wipes the slate clean
and gives us a new amount
and invites us into a new day with Him
again and again He does this
always with you
He will never forsake you!

Even if it is not literally 24 hours for you
like it was for Jesus...
God wants to do that type of an amazing transformation in your life
from death to LIFE
TRUE life
REAL life
the kind of life that never ends

The kind that when you feel like you've run out
suddenly rises up within you to provide MORE
a life that is so awesome that it defies understanding
and leaves you in wonder
at the sheer POWER of it
be encouraged in your darkest days
hold out hope
and cup your hand around the flickering flame of your heart
God will never allow it to be snuffed out!



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