double back

Out of touch
a slow pulling away
that sneaks up
that creeks as you tip toe away

an awareness that's haunting
an unspecific calling voice
in the depths of your gut
as you choose to turn away

more persistent is the aching
with a dull unspecific shaking
that does not allow you to ignore

so you turn in to face it
and ask God to name it
so you can once again
feel His hand in yours

A need for his still small voice
a yearning for the fellowship
a familiar embrace missed
from the moment you were set adrift

He wants you back always
and He will get your attention
in creative ways
just stay spiritually aware, awake!

He won't let you get too off track
without making you aware that you are off track
you know something is off
and you come running

back into those huge open arms of Love
back into Grace abounding
back into the light that refines and teaches
as you sit at His feet in waiting.



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