A walk through wilderness
His ways are above our ways
and I see this as God being my Dad
in hiking boots
towering above me
because I am his little child
and He holds a map
and He is looking ahead
as if determining which way
WE should go....
and I am too little to see the map
and somehow I know
that even if I could see it
that it would just be a bunch of lines to me
a lot of colorful pictures
that I cannot understand
with my limited thinking
my child's view of things....
but that is the point
God has the map
and HE knows
and not only did He design the map he is holding
He designed it just for me
He mapped out the way
for me to succeed
long before I even needed it
long before I even looked to Him
to take me where I need to go
It isn't my place to doubt Him
or to climb His leg so that I can get a good look
at my map that I cannot even decipher
and it isn't cool to wring my hands
and wonder if He even knows what He is doing
He is my personal guide
the One who designed the mountains
the One who placed each tree in the woods
He knows the land as intimately as he knows me
and all he wants is my hand in faith
to walk beside Him
as he safely leads me
His goal is to get me there
to the very best place he has for me
and along the way he wants to teach me
and He wants to show me all the awesome wonder the world holds
as He steers me around the potholes
as He provides shelter in the down pours
He promises to get me there
that even the storms will move me toward goodness
that His promise like a rainbow
will always be a beacon of Hope in every darkened sky
and that He is with me on the journey
with me always
plugging away at the map
leading me constantly toward my very best
His very best in me!
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