Figurative Leap
Like stepping out onto a ledge no rope to tie me to where I was no ceiling to hold me in Like stepping away from the past where I stayed because it was what I knew Because to step away like this would have felt scary then but now, it is scary yet time waited until I was numb about it too numb in a way that I can be objective where I am not bound or joined where leaping is less of a risk I have already lost so much on this ledge I dare not look back lest I loose my balance and yet the world is open out before me all around me with possibility where fear cannot rule where chance is erased by peace and knowing where my choices become crystal clear I am aware of everything even too much so and I scale back and pull a scarf around my neck a barrier between what was and what is I am aware I am alive neither wanting or regretting only standing, facing, wondering, waiting but knowing deep within me that even if God asks me to jump He's got me ~C