Listen to the right voice

There is a negative voice inside your head
you smile
and it wants a frown instead
it works on you
to make you doubt
it convinces you of things
that make you pout
it's main aim is to isolate you
torment you with shame and pride
it will bait you
into thinking that all you deserve is the worst
who are you to want more?
you do not come first
and actually this tid-bit is true
but not in the way it is using it against you

You were meant for giving
you were meant to serve
because in doing for others you cause a curve
a boomerang of blessing occurs
in helping
your heart swells
you feel right with the world
and within this place you are purposed for good
this is the other voice
that's words are like food
that builds you up in the best of ways
and elevates your mood

The voice that encourages you
that stays
if you ask it
that fights for you too
until you are past it
those things that bind you
that hold you back
the house of your body
never meant to be a shack
never meant for demolition
do not let the bad voice steal, kill and destroy you
that voice is death
only satisfied when it controls you

No, the voice you need to hear
holds life and promise
it only says things that will remind you
of greatness
that cheers you and guides you
that keeps the light burning inside you
and that is the voice
you need to be choosing to hear
you listen and listen
until things become clear.



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