right now

Are you aware of right now?
The beauty of it?
Aware that tomorrow your kids are one day older and so are you,
that everything is constantly shifting and changing....
your surroundings, your relationships, your circumstances....
They are constantly in motion.
Funny, but because our lives are constantly in motion,
we feel we have to be.
We are the kings and queens of multi-tasking,
we are texting while driving,
a slave to our cell phones
and we are thinking of what we are going to say right in the middle of what you are saying....

let's get on with it! Let's MOVE! Let's GO!
Even if we don't know where that is and our steps are crippled by our experiences and emotions...
we will just drag the weight of them and strain to just get out of here!

In actuality we should be in slow motion,
taking it all in,
reveling in how wonderful it is right now.
We may never have tomorrow
and that doesn't have to be deep or morbid,
it is the simple truth.
We hear songs that say we should live like we are dying
but to me it is so impossible,
if I was seizing the day every second I would have accomplished something that the human condition seems to fight against every second!
It is like asking someone what they would do in any extreme situation...
They will never ever say, Oh I would pee my pants...
but that might be exactly what they would do!
You cannot possibly know what you would do in any situation until you are faced with it.
Your adversity will teach you things about yourself you never knew existed within you.
You can use all of it to advance your life,
to your advantage, in so many ways by learning from it,
or you can let it put a boot on your car.
sit there in gridlock, trapped in your life,
in your head.

The power of your choices and the perspective you choose to embrace is AMAZING!
You choose your fate, you make it and mold it by yourself in your own power,
or you hand it over to God and allow Him to mold you.
Either way it is your free choice.
He will Love you and watch you struggle or He will Love you and live through you....
but each senerio starts with your own will,
and with your tiny little choices...
day in and day out.



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