Not a matter of getting you to stay

or preventing you from leaving,
of going
instead, it is realizing that I am the one who fights for love
who remains in that love
I am the one who stays
and in staying,
I prove to myself that it can be done
that there are people who stay
there are people who fight, even in circumstances that seem murky
in situations that seem hopeless
in the face of rejection and abandonment you close your eyes
as if it is only the too bright sun making you do that
and you let the heat warm something in you
and you do not allow it to burn you
because it is all in your perspective
all the possibility or impossibility
it lives or dies with you...
in your choices
in your approach
with your flourishing faith
or in your withering lack of it
you propel yourself into motion
or you tether yourself to your weighty baggage

so when I see your back leaving
I choose instead to dwell on how well I know your hairline
or the smooth skin of your neck
or I focus on the way you walk
and dwell on how comforting it is to know that walk so very well

and when I look back I have a choice to selectively weed out all the good
or all the bad
What do I WANT to remember?
what do I WANT to dwell on and magnify??

If I can let go of the hurt and focus on the love
if I can tune into the present
and just let the past be what it was
then it becomes its own thing, with its own story...
but today is a new chapter
and chapter 5 isn't a part of chapter 4,
it is a new thing...
it may have been launched from, but is not connected to, the chapter before it.
that even though chapter 5 could not exist without chapter 4, it is not DEFINED by it.
the possibilities are endless in the NEW!

So how freeing to realize that I have been the hope that I wanted so badly from the men in my life!
I have uncovered a deep truth
that love does not die if you do not let it
especially if you cannot let it, cannot stand to let it fade
such a good sweet thing
do not throw the babe out with the bath water
do not grow weary in the face of adversity
do not turn your back on , what you deep down KNOW to be true
in your heart of hearts
and stop trying to figure it out
you cannot analyze your way into what to do
you do not know best
you never will

that is God's work
and only He can show you.

Thank you God for teaching me in the laundry room,
or while I blow dry my hair,
or in the shower
when my mind is quiet and open....
You are in every moment
just waiting for me to tune in
so you can show me something new
or inspire me to take some new approach
and tonight
you identified something so deep
a realization that I can BE the change I want to see in this world
in my world
in my love

you are so very good to me Father.
So gentle and always searching out places in me
reminding me to look in
deeper and deeper
clean out closets
hidden compartments full of cobwebs
places I have forgotten
the attic of memories that are covered in dust
that I have kept thinking I would need again
and they have only waited there until the moment I could decide to part with them
knowing they are out of date
or broken
or rotten now....

I am here
I am now
and I am with YOU God
awaiting the next best thing You have for my life.



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