Him, not me

Jesus was "the bigger person"
He sure knew how to "suck it up"
and when I think of all he took
I shutter and I wish could actually grasp the effect He had
that keeps reaching out today
the statement His life made that keeps funding
the glory in our hearts

I wish I could be more like him
but I vacilate from day to day
I struggle with this flesh
to "turn the other cheek"
is harder than I thought
and to love
while someone is spitting in my face
almost impossible
but You do it through me God
You see the sin
but acknowledge how You love the sinner instead
and I marvel at You working through me
embracing them in a way that I never could
a hug
instead of a punch in the face
the contrast of that is insane
it is You coming through in the times filled with drama
you turn off the soap opera and you say shhhhh
be still
I will show you
I will be
if you let me
I will work
if you allow me to
and he knocks every day
and we have a choice to open our hearts
and to listen
to His still



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