haunting unknown
the unknown lurks
in shadows
and it gets the best of me
because I do not know
and what I do not know
is left to imagination
and OH can I imagine...
our best attributes
also being our worst
like balancing on a very thin beam
high up
in a storm
lightning in the distance
and rain in my eyes
feeling unstable
and on the verge
of slipping
and yet mostly I am strong
and calm
and knowing
that even the unknown cannot hurt me
even the worst imaginings
cannot dampen my heart
so I put away the wonder
and I stop calculating the loss
and I give that all to God
because we choose how we are going to live
how we will approach everything
and how we will take every step
(even into a dark alley way)
and all we enter into goes with us
all we enter into becomes a part
every choice
becomes who we are
either drawing us in
or drawing us out
stay in the light
stay very close to the truth
declare out loud what you mean
but go
if you have already gone
and look me in the eyes
as you leave
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