too simple, really?
We have difficulty with things being too simple
heaven forbid we not DO something to help, change, or control our situation.
We willingly put on a straight jacket, and then struggle in it.
more comfortable with the fight, because it is all we have ever known....
and yet God is saying..."look, I did the work so you don't have to...I wore the straight jacket, and I struggled in it out of necessity, to FREE YOU....I did it specifically for YOU, as a gift. Struggle if you must but it is not My idea, My idea is for you to live FREE now...MIND, BODY, are not shackled to anything that you do not want to be shackled to, in fact the shackles you see are a hologram of your own making, something you manifest out of your own unawareness. Oh how I love you and I do not want you to have to go through something I already handled and finished...but if you feel you must, then I will wait patiently forever. I will love you right here, and I have such compassion for you and this reality you've created for yourself and believe to be the truth. "
The battle begins and ends in the mind. If we have the mind of Christ and really believe that, then we already have the ability to work our way out of any snare the devil could dream up. There is a saying...if you believe you can or believe you can't, you are right. That saying speaks volumes for your spiritual battle in this life. BELIEF. What do you really believe? Have you noticed that what people REALLY believe is what they walk. They can SAY they believe something, but if their time and energy is devoted to something, someone, or somewhere else, you know they may have lovely intentions, but they do not BELIEVE what they are saying to you. That is why one of my favorite sayings is "walk the talk", and how powerful would it be to "Talk the walk"?? What if we did everything that we meant first and then talked about it...We couldn't really puff it up or elaborate and all our grand intentions would fly out the window, we could only work with what we had already done! Ha ha....and maybe that would be too boring? Way less interesting...but it would be face value. The old me was one who romanticized my life so my nature was to embellish all my thoughts. A harsh dose of reality reeled me in and sometimes I am saddened by that. The pictures I painted in my mind of never ending passionate devoted love being a possibility in human beings was nice to soak in....for a time....for a delusional time. ha ha
But seriously God wanted to show me that there is a brand of LOVE that is way better! A love that never ends and won't be shot down, a love that is never unsatisfied or rejected for any reason, that never leaves and never feels complacent or disinterested. God's love is not defined by the definitions or expectations you can place on it. You cannot put his love in a box and just take it out when you feel like experiencing it. It consumes you in a way that never falters or leaves you, in a way that carries you and weaves itself into your fabric of being.
You can count on him, you can invest in Him, in that awesome love, and you don't have to hesitate or be afraid to accept it either....there is no loss in the acceptance and there are no "should haves, would haves or could haves "ifs" either. There is nothing that could EVER happen or that you could ever even conceive of doing that would make him take it back.
Indian giving does not exist in heaven.
Not on God's watch, and by golly, that watch doesn't stop EVER! hee hee!
How comforting is that??
I hope the way God loves you is insanely comforting and it blows your mind to the point that you are able to lay down the straight jacket and watch it disappear as you rest in what God already accomplished just for you.
My prayer is that you except it like a brand new car...totally paid for, and you really enjoy it! It is YOURS now...
and I know you love that new car smell.
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