makes sense

You won't always be able to make sense of it.
I wish someone had told me that growing up,
You cannot sort or categorize everything
and you don't have to have a title to feel alright
you can be totally out of control
and that can be good

sometimes God cannot work in the lives of control freaks
and they keep Him out with a big gun
because it is more comfortable
to be driving their own car

I wish someone would have told me how mysterious the Holy Spirit is
that He has a sense of humor
that He is the most patient person you'll ever meet
He'll even wait while you try it YOUR way
and fall flat on your face
"now, could you try it my way?" he asks sweetly...
and you can even say "no",
and He'll wait patiently
for the chance to ask you again.

I wish someone had told me that love is the most complicated thing
like a lock with many many keys to try in it
like a shifting morphing thing that is the same time rock solid
that it can be broken into a thousand pieces and then gathered up again
it is resilient
but there is hurting

Life is a process we grope our way through
fumbling for the light by touch alone
by feel
as we listen for any small clue
anything that "sounds right"
when it should be a still small voice we follow
when He tells us what to do.

I had to find my own way into these truths and so will you
but at least you cannot say you wish someone had told you...
I just did



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