Go back out

wandering rose
in the forest
not isolated in a garden
not set apart
unprotected here
weaving and winding
with weeds
with other varieties
with thorns
more menacing than your own

deep in the forest
in darkness
much of your life is spent
but the light filters in
when it is needed
allowing you to bloom
to persevere
to fight
in this different environment
one you were born into
and then taken out of
so that when you do go back
it feels foreign now
you feel removed
like the outsider

are you too good for it now?
or can you adapt?
you wandering rose
wandering back
into that wild life
but changed
from when you were first taken out
so when you go back
you are stronger

you know where you came from
you know your purpose
you will shine your new light
in a dark Forrest
you will be a flood of red blooms
to a sea of green
and your presence
will make such a stark difference
among all of those plants
so unlike you
as you wander
and cover
and spread goodness over this world.



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